Sunday, 30 June 2013

Brace yourself, Japan. The fangirl is coming.

Now, I'm not sure where to begin...

To be honest, I'm not sure I quite realize yet what is happening to me!

34 days, was it?

Ever since I was in high school, travelling to Japan has been my dream, as many of you know. It wasn't that it was out of reach... Oh, I could have gone before, but a short trip would not have satisfied me, and just up-and-leaving until I was in a relatively stable situation (read: university graduate) was out of the question for Reasonable Steph. (Speaking of the devil, Reasonable Steph just called to say hi! She won't be back any time soon lah ~ ♪) No other country ever appealed to me like Japan did. I can't explain it. My interest began so early in my life that I accepted it long ago as being... well, a part of me. I believe that we all have this place on Earth that feels just like home. To me, 日本です。More than a fad, it's an objective, a life achievement that I've been keeping in the corner of my head, patiently.

For that reason, I did not really go anywhere while my friends scattered to all corners of the Earth (I KNOW THE EARTH ISN'T SQUARE DAMMIT) and focused on my studies like the good girl that I am. (What? Really, I am. (◡‿◡✿)) I might have missed out on some opportunities, but it's a sacrifice I was ready to make so that I could invade Japan have myself a lovely trip to the land of the Rising Sun. Besides, the adventure is only just starting for me! There are many places that I want to visit, inside and outside of Japan. I will gladly share them with you if you will put up with me. Soooooo (^O^)/ よろしくお願いします!

Not sure where this is going... 30 minutes into it and my blog is already a mess. *sighs*

So yeah, once upon a lovely September, there was a JET application.


Paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork! So much fun, it was. When I submitted my application in late November, I promised myself to forget about it, at least during the vacation. Christmas holidays are my favorite part of the year, so I wanted to enjoy that time as much as possible. And enjoy, I did. I also forgot.

Everything about the JET Programme.

...until that phone call on January 23rd – the day of my 23rd birthday.

Lucky year, you say? (It's the Year of the Snake, my Chinese astrological sign!) I'm not usually one to buy that kind of thing, but my beliefs took quite a turn on that day.

I was so shocked to hear that I had passed the paper selection, because at that point, I was so certain that I had ABSOLUTELY no chance of getting in. Quite honestly, I had pretty much given up on it before I even received my verdict. Call me negative, but I tend to lack confidence in my person, and I am a pretty down-to-earth (read: boringly practical) person. My mind was almost made that I was never going to go. It was written in stone. The hammer had fallen. And yet, the final decision was a far cry from what I had been expecting: I was summoned for an interview, so if I could be so kind as to choose a date and time—

The real deal. I was shaking all over. Even now, just the thought makes me shiver.


Do not ask me about the interview! I have long forgotten all about it. Well, most of it. I recall almost nothing, if only for a few blurry, vague memories. Most questions have vanished from my mind for eternity. I met some people there (now good friends, fellow JET's and JETAA's alike) that probably remember more about my own interview than I do. (There is no way I'll ever forget the roleplay, though, where I made a complete fool of myself trying to explain English onomatopoeia... Well, it was pretty funny.) Another thing that made an impression on me is the fact that, when I was in the waiting room, trying to keep myself together before my turn came, I heard a 東方神起 song (they're my absolute favorite band).

Not sure anymore, but I think it was Love in the Ice or Bolero or an equally beautifully tragic song. ;;

Now if THAT wasn't a sign... I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS.

Seriously, though, it must have been one of the most stressful moments of my life, hands down. I never expected to make it past that stage... yet I did, against all odds.

Now that's it's out, I'd like to forget about it, thxbai.

That was on February 6.

Here is a quick overview (ohhhh, pleonasm right there) of how it went.

My timeline
01.23.13 : Paper selection results - Pass!
02.06.13 : JET Programme interview in Montreal
04.05.13 : Interview results - Shortlisted!!
04.22.13 : Reply form and other papers handed in
05.22.13 : Found out my placement! Gunma-ken
06.15-16.14 : Montreal orientation
06.19.13 : Found out my placement! Higashiagatsuma-machi
06.21.13 : Contacted by travel agency
06.24.13 : Contacted by base school


See what happens when the fangirl is set free! She never stops talking I SWEAR, there is NO controlling her. まあ。。。I guess you'll just have to get used to it.  ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌


ouate de phoque



No, this post was NOT meant to be interesting. It will merely serve as a reminder for me and my goldfish memory.

Okay, I'm tired so I'll just abort this post mehehehehehe

Good ナイーーーーーート. Bonne nuite.

hi! I'm Gunmachan

More about Gunma soon. I already love my placement! ^^ Well, its mascot, for one, has taken my heart.

Gunma-chan, je t'aime! xxx

T R E N T E - Q U A T R E

34 days.

Seems like yesterday that my (stupid) smart phone displayed a countdown of a hundred and twenty-something. Where did the time go?

Aish... This post is seriously overdue. (><;;ゴメンネ!!)

I've been wanting to write for the LONGEST TIME, but I could not bring myself to. Maybe it's because I did not see much of a point in babbling about my life here in Canada ('cause who wants to read about that AHEM), which would have been absolutely besides pretty much the only reason behind this blog: my experience on the JET Programme. Now that only a little over a month is left for me to wait, I felt that it was time to break the ice.

Though for many years I've been known to write a lot during my free time, I've never been much of a blogger, so ごめんなさい if this doesn't live up to your expectations. I'll give it my best shot! ^^;;


Most entries shall be written in English (read: Frenglish – that's how we French Canadian roll!). Tiny holes will be filled in awkward attempts at Japanese and might be sprinkled with a dash of Korean on occasion.

Bon, ben, c'est ça. レッツゴー!!

In a nutshell, my life for the past months has revolved around preparing my departure. I've been doing a lot of research about the programme itself, about life in Japan, but also about Japanese history, customs, geography, etc. Work has been pretty quiet, which is not all that bad, because it has allowed me to read up on a variety of subjects, spend time with my loved ones and take my first real break in a very long time.

Also, do I have to mention FOOD GALORE. I'm indulging as if my life depended on it.

Beurre de pinotte, tu vas me manquer. :'(

ENOUGH ABOUT FOOD. There shall be better times for that.

Now onto the actual (real) first serious post.