First live in Takasaki tonight.
I was watching, this time, not performing. XD (People always ask...)
I was deeply impressed by the FLOW concert tonight. They sound just as good live as they do on their albums, but I still think they're better live... Do you follow me? I never got into their music as intensely as I did tonight. Before, I liked it, thought it was pretty good, but some songs that never struck me as amazing really left a lasting effect on me tonight, after I heard them performed right in front of me. Maybe that's because the show was in a tiny live house in Takasaki, Gunma. I've said this before, small venues usually make for better concerts (or so I believe and have found from my experiences).
The crowd was SO pumped. The sound was deliciously LOUD. I couldn't help but absorb that energy and let it all out.
Such concerts are so invigorating, I just have to go crazy.

You know, I really stink right now. That's usually a pretty accurate indicator of how good a show was. And contrary to what I was expecting, the crowd was pretty psyched! A lot of people were jumping and throwing their hands in the air with much enthusiasm! The room got so hot, everyone was sweating profusely, despite the cool weather out. The band members were climbing on the edge of the stage to touch the ceiling! They were smiling at their fans, waving at them and gesturing for them to make noise and move. Exchanging knowing looks and winks. You could see how genuine and passionate they were about the music they were playing. When that kind of thing happens, even with bands I'm not a hardcore fan of, I usually take it upon myself to let them know how much I appreciate the great show they're giving me. It's true that I did give them my money, but I couldn't just stand there unmoving. It was impossible. So I ended up jumping, headbanging and... having a ball, pretty much. This is my way of thanking artists that give me a good time. I also screamed so loud when we were asking for an encore (I was one of the only people doing it at first, while most of the others just clapped, and because we persevered, more joined us later). I might lose my voice tomorrow.
I was watching, this time, not performing. XD (People always ask...)
I was deeply impressed by the FLOW concert tonight. They sound just as good live as they do on their albums, but I still think they're better live... Do you follow me? I never got into their music as intensely as I did tonight. Before, I liked it, thought it was pretty good, but some songs that never struck me as amazing really left a lasting effect on me tonight, after I heard them performed right in front of me. Maybe that's because the show was in a tiny live house in Takasaki, Gunma. I've said this before, small venues usually make for better concerts (or so I believe and have found from my experiences).
The crowd was SO pumped. The sound was deliciously LOUD. I couldn't help but absorb that energy and let it all out.
Such concerts are so invigorating, I just have to go crazy.

You know, I really stink right now. That's usually a pretty accurate indicator of how good a show was. And contrary to what I was expecting, the crowd was pretty psyched! A lot of people were jumping and throwing their hands in the air with much enthusiasm! The room got so hot, everyone was sweating profusely, despite the cool weather out. The band members were climbing on the edge of the stage to touch the ceiling! They were smiling at their fans, waving at them and gesturing for them to make noise and move. Exchanging knowing looks and winks. You could see how genuine and passionate they were about the music they were playing. When that kind of thing happens, even with bands I'm not a hardcore fan of, I usually take it upon myself to let them know how much I appreciate the great show they're giving me. It's true that I did give them my money, but I couldn't just stand there unmoving. It was impossible. So I ended up jumping, headbanging and... having a ball, pretty much. This is my way of thanking artists that give me a good time. I also screamed so loud when we were asking for an encore (I was one of the only people doing it at first, while most of the others just clapped, and because we persevered, more joined us later). I might lose my voice tomorrow.
There was a point when they told a story about going to the Daruma Shrine. One of the singers got a daruma omikuji and his fortune was very good, so he was glad. He kept saying that he wasn't afraid of anything tonight because how could he, since he had the DARUMA! He said all that while screaming and slapping his chest, like "I've got this bro"! Of course the crowd went wild every time he asked us what we were thinking or how we were feeling. He was also very expressive, almost too much so, with the way he looked at us with his eyes wide open like they were about to pop out of their sockets... Some commented that it was a bit creepy. But I thought he was hilarious. XD
At another point, the cute guitarist (Take) appeared on stage with a baseball cap and shirt (that were actually goods from the concert). He started batting things at us with his guitar (picks or something?). Unfortunately, I didn't catch anything. Then, one of the singers started interviewing him as if he was a real player and he commented on his performance in the same way. Pretty funny!
I'm not sure if this has to do with us, but they also spoke some English, though it was pretty fail. XD But the fact remains that they tried ("In English please", they said). I know they looked at us multiple times. We even made eye contact! I was smiling like a madwoman (nah, I was just happy :D) and moving (maybe like a madwoman), trying to get their attention. My fangirl nature just cannot be put on mute, there is no "off" switch. Therefore, whenever I'm at a concert that turns out to be worth my time and yen, I just get so into it. We were just a few feet away, how could they NOT see us! The venue was dark, but the spotlights were quite bright, so I know we caught their glance.
As for the songs they played, I don't remember every one of them, of course. There were some that I didn't recognize, although even those were pretty solid. Listening to their albums, I always thought that some titles were weaker or they simply just never really grew on me. For tonight, I have two theories: either those songs are really not so bad after all and I never realized before or FLOW are just so good live that they made me actually enjoy them. Not that it matters. But they also played a few classics that we knew, like Days and Re:member (Naruto). One that I wasn't expecting (or rather that didn't cross my mind when I thought that I was going to see FLOW) is GO!! (We are fighting dreamers~) If I remember correctly, that is the 3rd opening for the original NARUTO series. I can't believe I forgot about that one! What a classic! But anyway, it really took me by surprise (in a good way). Going to that concert, my expectations weren't that high, and I think that might be one reason why I had such a great time. To say that I was pleased would be an understatement. It's quite safe to say that I was positively blown off my feet (almost literally). I would totally go see them again if I ever have the chance. The tickets weren't very expensive (the usual, very normal 5000 yen), and what they gave us was worth well beyond that amount.
What I can say is this: What a cool bunch of down-to-earth, modest mofos. That is the thought that crossed my mind as soon as I saw them interact with the crowd (and that I might have repeated all evening just a little too much). But seriously. Cool people. Normal people. So easily approachable. We were so close to them, just a few meters. Could have reached out and touched them. (Actually did during the encore performances.) We could see their faces so well. Oh and what faces they pulled. (Before they turned on all the spotlights, they actually looked a bit old, but they're kinda young! I thought they were quite good-looking. (^^)) The guitarist especially. I don't usually like guys with mustaches but he's hot. He's also very charismatic! He seemed to be a favourite among the crowd. The two vocalists are also pretty cute.
No idea why but apparently 6.6 is カエルの日 (Frog Day). We were rewarded by a performance of this FROG song, but on this special occasion, we had the chance to see the guys sporting an adorable frog kigurumi. The choreography is pretty cool, especially with the lightsticks! They also made us scream "KERO KERO" endlessly ("kero" is the sound that frogs make in Japanese). So much fun!
All in all, I had an awesome evening! I highly recommend this band!
All in all, I had an awesome evening! I highly recommend this band!
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